Arkansas RimRockers
The NBDL is really busy. For some reason they have decided to expand to cities scattered throughout the South and Southwest, drop the NBDL and call themselves the NBA Development League, officially adopt the nickname "D-League", change their logos and introduce a red, white and blue ball.
The Arkansas RimRockers, formerly of the ABA where they were the league's most successful franchise, are one of the teams joining the league this season. As a part of the move, NBA creative marketing came up with their new, duller than average logo featuring that new red, white and blue ball. Yep, there is a rim, a ball and the name. It took the NBA's creative marketing team to come up with that?
My favorite part about the RimRockers obviously isn't their boring new logo. Nope, it's their dance team, the Arkansas RimRockettes. Actually, more specifically, it's the RimRockettes choreographer Jasen Page who has "worked extensively with Rosario and Jamal, who are currently Usher’s choreographers and are working with J.C. Chavez" and "will launch a seven city national hip-hop tour...Harvis Productions along with Manager J.R. Hargan will promote Page’s tour as it kicks off in Little Rock" that I really love.
Nothing says successful world class dancer like a D-League job in Little Rock, Arkansas. And just because you flipped burgers in high school with Usher's choreographers doesn't mean that you can put them on your bio.
Labels: Arkansas, Basketball
Jasen Page owes me $14000. I am going to collect.
Jasen Page is a fraud. He is a pathelogical liar. Don't believe anything he says, he is a con.
I did business with him too and he owes me money. I tried to collect but he has nothing. He has never worked with those people and was never in the military as he claimed. Good luck collecting that money!
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